Swiftly Improving Quality in Local Markets

We are strengthening direct communication with sales companies and customers to promptly identify and respond to customer dissatisfaction and defects. Our Total Customer Satisfaction Function Division (TCSX) addresses customer dissatisfaction and quality issues based on information from sales companies and the customer call center. It shares information with the R&D and manufacturing divisions to investigate the causes and come up with countermeasures. These countermeasures are incorporated in production models on the market. In this way, we seek permanent solutions to prevent outflow of quality issues.
The global expansion of our corporate activities has increased our potential exposure to customer dissatisfaction and quality issues in more regions around the world. In response, we have established Field Quality Centers (FQCs) with the goal of promptly gaining an understanding of regional quality issues and analyzing their causes locally. There are now 15 FQCs in Japan, the U.S., Europe, China, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, India, Australia, Thailand, and other locations.