Research field 研究分野



電動モビリティ社会の実現に向けて、次世代のバッテリー、モーター、インバーター、充電器、燃料電池システムの研究を進めています。また、電気自動車と電力網の統合(Vehicle-Grid Integration)による新しいエネルギーマネジメントシステムや、リユース、リサイクル技術の革新による環境にやさしいエコシステムなど、新たな社会システムの構築にも取り組んでいます。
[1] “第74回自動車技術会賞 論文賞”, Modeling of Direct Cooling Method with Forced Convection Boiling Phenomena considering Liquid Phase Behavior of Liquid Gas Two-Phase Refrigerant for Vehicle Traction Application PMSM, 2024;
[1] “A Review on the Recycling Techniques of Lithium-ion Batteries”, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd edition (Elsevier), 2023;
[2] “MPPT operation performance of automotive photovoltaic system during driving”, IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, 2023;
[3] “Modeling of Direct Cooling Method with Forced Convection Boiling Phenomena considering Liquid Phase Behavior of Liquid Gas Two-Phase Refrigerant for Vehicle Traction Application PMSM”, The 6th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVTeC), 2023;
[4] ” Study of AlGaN as the electron transport layer for wide-gap solar cells”, 33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 2022;
[5] “Study of Enhanced Heat Transfer in Low Reynolds Number Microchannel flow by Burst Mode Actuation of DBD Plasma Actuator”, International Heat Transfer Conference, 2023;
[6] “Demonstration test of EV equipped with a solar power generation system that utilizes solar energy for driving”, 33rd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, 2022;
[7] “Estimation for vehicle LCA considering another way to use”, EcoBalance 2022;
[8] “Observation of catalyst ink morphology changes in primary drying process for polymer electrolyte fuel cell by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023;
[9] “A Model-Based Study on a DCDC converter Reactor Miniaturization using a Variable Bias Magnet suitable for Vehicle Drive Applications”, The 6th International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference (EVTeC), 2023;
[10] “Demonstration Test of Automotive Photovoltaic System for an Electric Vehicle”, Powertrains, Energy and Lubricants International Meeting (JSAE), 2023;
[11] “連結ジグザグ構造を有するエアレスタイヤによる転がり抵抗の低減”, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2023;
[12] “イグニッションコイルを駆動源としたプラズマアクチュエータの熱伝達促進による小型冷却システムの検討”, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2023;
[13] “高風速かつ低消費電力のプラズマアクチュエータの性能評価”, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2023;
[14] ”プラズマアクチュエータから発生するオゾン濃度と構造に関する検討”, 日本機械学会年次大会, 2023;
[15] “Rolling Resistance Evaluation of Non-pneumatic Tire with Linked Zig-zag Structure using Scale Model”, TSME-ICoME, 2023;
[16] “Progress and Challenges on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell and Stack development for Mobility Use”, International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 2024;
[17] “LiB用スラリーのミクロ構造と電池性能との相関性解析”, 第64回電池討論会, 2023;
[18] “⾦属⽀持型セルスタックのモビリティ適⽤に向けた取組み”, 第2回SOFC/SOEC課題共有フォーラム, 2023;
[19] “MHz駆動E2級絶縁型AC/DCコンバータ回路のZVS成立範囲を拡大する制御手法”, 令和6年電気学会全国大会, 2023;
[20] “Interfacial Stability of Layered LiNixMnyCo1-x-yO2 with Sulfide Solid Electrolytes in All-Solid-State Rechargeable Lithium-ion Batteries from First Principles Calculations”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (JPCC), 2022;
[21] “Li金属負極を用いた全固体電池におけるLi析出分布のシミュレーションおよび実験結果”, 第64回電池討論会, 2023;
[22] “Li金属負極を用いた全固体電池における負極中間層とそのLi伝導機構の一考察”, 電気化学会第91回大会, 2023;