SASB content index

Product Safety Percentage of vehicle models rated by NCAP programs with an overall 5-star safety rating, by region Percentage (%) TR-AU-250a.1 P075 Enhancements to Nissan’s safety technology and external ratings received
P160 Major external safety ratings (Based on 2022 assessments)
Number of safety-related defect complaints, percentage investigated Number, Percentage (%) TR-AU-250a.2 P092 Reflecting customer feedback in activities to enhance quality
Number of vehicles recalled Number TR-AU-250a.3 P095 Recalls in FY2022
Labor Practices Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Percentage (%) TR-AU-310a.1 P159 Employee data
(1) Number of work stoppages and (2) total days idle Number, Days idle TR-AU-310a.2 P160 Employee data global, Number of days lost to strike action
Fuel Economy & Use-phase Emissions Percentage of active workforce covered under collective bargaining agreements Mpg, L/km, gCO2/km, km/L TR-AU-410a.1 P144 Corporate average fuel economy in Japan/the United States/Europe/China
Number of (1) zero emission vehicles (ZEV), (2) hybrid vehicles, (3) plug-in hybrid vehicles sold Number TR-AU-410a.2 P145 Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data
P145 Environmental data: Powertrain type ratios (Shipment-based)
Discussion of strategy for managing fleet fuel economy and emissions risks and opportunities n/a TR-AU-410a.3 P020 NGP2022 key issues and challenges
P023 Strategy for addressing climate change Toward a carbon-neutral society, Climate change scenario analysis to strengthen strategies for 2050 society
P026 Policies and philosophy for product initiatives
Materials Sourcing Description of the management of risks associated with the use of critical materials n/a TR-AU-440a.1 P101 Responsible minerals sourcing
Materials Efficiency & Recycling Total amount of waste from manufacturing, percentage recycled Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.1 P054 Waste
P154 Environmental data: Waste
P158 Environmental data: Output
Weight of end-of-life material recovered, percentage recycled Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.2 P048 Resource dependency management
P050 Initiatives to expand use of recycled materials (Resins), End-of-life vehicle recycling
P153 Resource dependency: Achievements in reuse
Click here for more information on the status of recycling, etc. in fiscal 2022 based on the End-of-life Vehicle Recycling Law (Japanese only)
Average recyclability of vehicles sold Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) TR-AU-440b.3 P050 End-of-life vehicle recycling
P153 Resource dependency: Achievements in reuse
Table 2. Activity Metrics
Number of vehicles manufactured Number TR-AU-000.A P142 Global sales volume and production volume
P145 Environmental data: Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data
P158 Environmental data: Material balance
Number of vehicles manufactured Number TR-AU-000.B P142 Global sales volume and production volume
P145 Environmental data: Revenue, global sales volume and production volume data