
Approach to relationships with local communities

Nissan focuses on activities in the areas of providing learning opportunities and living aid in local communities with the goal of solving social issues through “Nissan-ness” as well as empowering the youth and children of those communities by 2030.

We will not only provide financial assistance in these areas but also ensure those activities are highly original by making full use of our automotive heritage, expertise, products and facilities.

In addition to cooperating in local events, Nissan conducts activities to improve the environment around its business sites — such as cleanup events — and opens its own facilities to the public. Employees also proactively join local activities as volunteers.

Two focus areas for Nissan’s social contributions program

Providing learning opportunities

Nissan believes in the importance of empowering youth and children to realize a more inclusive society and is working to provide them with more learning opportunities. Nissan offers a variety of educational programs including eco school which raises understanding on climate change, and monozukuri lessons that leverage the creativity and technology that Nissan has cultivated since its founding.

Providing learning opportunities


Living aid in local communities

Living aid in local communities

Nissan respects the rights of all stakeholders and provides a wide range of support around the world to help solve social issues. This includes financial and material support for the socially and economically disadvantaged, psychological care and other intangible support, and emergency aid for victims of natural disasters, humanitarian crises and the like in accordance with the needs of local communities.


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