Our Approach
Nissan aims to reduce environmental impact through improving technologies and business processes. Driven by Nissan’s corporate purpose, we have devised a comprehensive framework for how we approach delivering positive environmental change. As we look to future generations to continue providing innovative mobility solutions and driving innovation to enrich people’s lives, we must remember that treating environmental challenges now will ultimately help enrich the lives of future generations.

Three Pillars of the NGP2030
At Nissan, we take a holistic approach to understanding our environmental impact and what we can do to minimize it. We have identified climate change, resource dependency, and air quality & water as areas of impact that are most significant when it comes to our business and therefore pertinent to Nissan’s environmental efforts. Through approaches such as electrification and circular economy, we will not only advance further toward our long-term environmental vision but contribute to a cleaner environment for our customers, our people and partners, and the communities in which we operate.
Nissan Green Program 2030
The Nissan Green Program (NGP2030) was launched as a fifth-generation program that aims to further reduce environmental impact and create positive value through improving technologies and business processes. The NGP2030 is an indispensable toolkit that will help enable Nissan to achieve Ambition 2030, the company’s long-term vision, and maps out the steps required to progress in our environmental goals. As a mobility solutions provider, Nissan understands the significant responsibility it has for the environment – and the scale of the contributions we can make by working collaboratively and innovatively toward material goals.
Climate Change

Climate Change
We are committed to achieving carbon neutrality in our daily operations and the lifecycle of our products by 2050. We will make electrification and manufacturing technologies top priorities as they play critical roles in Nissan’s journey toward carbon neutrality.
Air Quality & Water
Air Quality & Water
We are focused on reducing the impact our vehicles can have on air quality and water, improving people’s quality of life on a tangible, day-to-day basis as well as in the mid- to long-term. Enforcing stricter parameters on water usage and wastewater management will contribute to the elimination of ‘high-risk sites.’ Meanwhile, reducing emissions from manufacturing and vehicles will create positive change by improving air quality.

Resource Dependency

Resource Dependency
Nissan has adopted the “circular economy” approach which maximizes the reuse and recycling materials, thus lowering the demand for resource extraction. Nissan is not only actively recycling but we are also seeking to replace newly mined resources with sustainable alternatives in the design, procurement, and production stages.
Environmental Foundation
Environmental Foundation
As a global company, we have a responsibility to address diverse environmental challenges. We collaborate with suppliers to improve their environmental performance. We will not only strictly comply with environmental regulations but also strengthen value chain management through traceability.