Business ethics
Approach to business ethics
Employees and compliance
In 2001, Nissan established a Global Code of Conduct containing practical guidance for employees. Today, this Code of Conduct is applied at all Nissan Group companies worldwide.
We also provide guidance on compliance for directors and corporate officers, and educational activities to ensure strict adherence to the rules.
The Global Compliance Committee (GCC), co-chaired by the CEO and Global Compliance Officer, is held twice a year, where global compliance strategies are deliberated, annual programs are validated, and compliance issues are discussed. The results of the GCC are reported to the Executive Committee (EC) and the Audit Committee.
Under the oversight of our Global Compliance Committee, we have established a Regional Compliance Committee in each region of operation, forming a worldwide system for detecting and deterring noncompliance and unethical behavior. The Global Headquarters works with all regions and bases of operation to ensure full awareness of compliance issues and prevent noncompliance activity, and has processes in place to take appropriate disciplinary action against those who violate or infringe the Global Code of Conduct or laws and regulations.
Our Global Compliance Office further increases the rigor of our compliance management. In addition, to enhance compliance at the regional level, standalone, independent, regional compliance officers are appointed in Japan-ASEAN, China, Americas, and AMIEO (Africa / Middle East / India / Europe / Oceania) regions.
Global Compliance Committee organization

As of April 1st, 2024
- Each Regional Compliance Committee oversees various local compliance committees as appropriate.
Global Code of Conduct
The Global Code of Conduct contains our core principles for doing business with honesty and integrity, in full compliance with established laws and regulations in all locations in which we operate. The Code of Conduct's standards apply to all employees within Nissan Group companies, and every employee is responsible for upholding and adhering to the Code. The Code of Conduct is reviewed for revision at least once every three years to ensure that it evolves along with the company and society.
This Global Code of Conduct training is mandatory for all Nissan employees every year as well as Board members and Corporate officers, who receive specific training materials about the Code of Conduct. Compliance and dissemination status of Global Code of Conduct is self-assessed by responsible departments and independently evaluated by the internal audit. The results are reported annually to the Internal Control Committee and also to the Board of Directors.
Comply with all Laws and Rules | Nissan Employees must follow all applicable laws, regulations and Nissan policies and rules. |
Promote Safety |
Nissan is committed to safety and wellness. Nissan Employees must use safe work practices and promote a healthy work environment. Nissan is also committed to the safety of our customers, their passengers and pedestrians, and to do so Nissan Employees should continually promote safety of Nissan products and their safety measures, and raise awareness of road safety. |
Avoid Conflicts of Interest | Employees are expected to act in the best interests of Nissan. Employees must not behave, act, or use information in a way that conflicts with Company interests. Furthermore, Employees must attempt to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. |
Preserve Company Assets | Nissan Employees must preserve and protect Company assets. The unauthorized or improper use of Company assets, including funds, confidential business information, physical property, company vehicles and intellectual property, is prohibited. |
Be Impartial and Fair | Nissan Employees must maintain impartial and fair relationships with business partners, including dealers, suppliers, and other third parties, as well as other Employees. |
Be Transparent and Accountable | Employees must maintain accounts and records with integrity. Nissan Employees must make accurate, transparent, timely and appropriate disclosures of the Company’s business activities to our stakeholders, including shareholders, management, customers, other Employees, and local communities. |
Value Diversity and Provide Equal Opportunity |
Nissan values and respects the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion of our Employees, suppliers, customers and communities. Discrimination, retaliation or harassment, in any form or degree, will not be tolerated. |
Be Environmentally Responsible | Nissan Employees must strive for environmental sustainability and protection when developing products and services, and promote recycling and conservation of materials and energy. |
Be Active and Report Violations (Speak UP) |
Nissan Employees are expected to carry out their work in accordance with the Code. Employees who suspect that a violation of the Code has occurred are obligated to report it as soon as possible. Employees are encouraged to use the SpeakUp system to report their suspicions. Employees may also make a report by alerting their manager, local, regional or global Compliance, Human Resources, Internal Audit or Legal departments indicating they are making a report under the Global Whistleblowing Policy. Employees who act in good faith when reporting suspected violations will be protected from retaliation. |
Business ethics management
Internal reporting system for corporate soundness
Nissan has established a globally integrated reporting system to promote thorough understanding of compliance among employees worldwide and facilitate sound business practices. The system, known as SpeakUp, is operated by an independent third party, NAVEX Global, which specializes in ethical hotlines. SpeakUp can be used by employees to ask questions or voice concerns to the company, thereby improving workplaces and operations. SpeakUp permits anonymous reporting and two-way confidential communication. It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in approximately 20 languages via website.
SpeakUp is promoted to employees through various internal communication means, such as posters, intranet banners, internal articles, and events such as Nissan’s annual Ethics Day. Employees are encouraged to report violations of the Global Code of Conduct or other company rules, and are protected from retaliation by our Global Whistleblowing Policy, a cornerstone of our compliance program.
Global Whistleblowing System (SpeakUp) Process